Effects Of Stress On Cells And Muscles

Cells And Muscles

Whether it is an intrinsic or extrinsic stimulus, the compensatory biological responses to stressors are always based on the type or severity of stimuli. For a long time, researchers have suggested that hormones present just in peripheral tissues responded to these stimuli. But with time, researches are still going on to uncover what dimension of the body actually performed to calculate stress level or how it combats stress.

Around 50 years ago, the effects of stress on endocrine systems were discovered. Many studies have noted down structural changes abundantly when stress suspected at a huge level. Chronic stress leads to decreases in brain size and its weight brings out changes in cognitive memory. However it is not understood according to duration and time, stress causes structural changes of cells, muscles and brain. Therefore it becomes highly important for the researchers to take account effects of stress on cells, muscles and nervous system. In this article, we are going to determine the affinity of stress to biological functions.

Cellular Stress Responses

Cells respond to external stimuli or stress in a variety of ways ranging from pathway activation to signalling or eliciting death cells (HealthOne, 2020). The initial response of cell towards stress is to gear up or helping cell in defending. Depend on the severity and longevity of stress, cells would survive to promote cell survival. 

When a person experiencing stress, it is more likely their energy will slow down. This is resulted due to mitochondria”{Power house of the cell} damages. It activated fight and flight response. 

Stress is responsible for breaking of mitochondrial DNA into bloodstreams that in turn acts similarly as hormones. In a view of essay Deutsch, due to prolonged stress, alteration of DNA may have suspected in patients causing impairment in function or promoting cancerous cell growth, However, some evidence still required in the case of alteration of DNA due to stress.

In an outlook of Yaribeygu et.al, 2017, a high concentration of stress hormones causes declarative memory disorders. When a study conducted on animals, researchers came to know a reduction in spatial memory found to be in an animal as results of hippocampus atrophy. In other case, people having Cushing’s syndrome observed to have atrophy syndrome. 

Stress also has a negative impact on learning. In many cases, it has seen adrenal steroids alter long term potentiating which is a critical component of memory. 

But in many cases, we have found stress is not always decreased memory. In fact in a certain situation, it can improve memory. The conditions include non-familiarities, life-threatening aspects imposed by stimuli. For instance, if a student appears in written examination, in a high-stress level, students would write and try harder to memorize everything related to concepts. But if due to job stress, you are unable to complete assignments on time, then ArabEssay based essay writer is the best option for you as they can give flawless write-ups in no time.

Stress And Endocrine System

There is broad and the mutual relationship has been seen among stress and endocrine system. Stress has a hardcore impact on system operation also at some stance system affects the severity of stress. Stress in both the cases either changes activity of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads, thyroids etc or activates these glands(Picard et.al, 2017). Thierry et al have suggested this would be impossible to separate endocrine functions and stress. In the different location of this blog, we have also discussed the effects of stress on hormones at a border perspective.

Stress And Gastrointestinal Complication

The effects of stress on the gastrointestinal system occur in two aspects. First, it affects appetite and seconds it affects the normal functioning of the GI tract. Stress increases GI system responses also may reactivate inflammation via secreting P substance. A detailed table stress effects on the GI system have been proposed in given below section with help of online assignment help experts-

Stress effects on GI systemArea and receptors being involvedEffects in Details
Modifying AppetiteAmygdala, Ventral tegmental areaReduces food and water intake
GI tract movementCRH-2 and CRH-1 receptorsPreventing stomach emptying  decreases initial part of GI tract
Digestive functionsParasympathetic functionsModify absorption
GI system inflammationT- lymphocytesIncreases inflammation by P substance

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In this blog, we have discussed the effects of stress on cell and brain activity by covering a wide range of research papers. In this context, we can say that stress includes both beneficial and harmful effects. However, in many cases, its harmful effects attributed to more attention for instance stress is responsible for breaking of mitochondrial DNA into bloodstreams that in turn acts similarly as hormones or Stress increases GI system responses also may reactivate inflammation via secreting P substance. Also one of its beneficial impact we have figured out is conditions include non-familiarities, life-threatening aspects imposed by stimuli enhances memory at times.


HealthOne(2020). the impact of stress on cellular level. Available at- https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=2017&q=the+impact+of+stress+on+cellular+level&btnG=

Picard, M., McEwen, B. S., Epel, E. S., & Sandi, C. (2018). An energetic view of stress: focus on mitochondria. Frontiers in neuroendocrinology, 49, 72-85.

Thierry A-M, Javoy F, Glowinski J, Kety SS. Effects of stress on the metabolism of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the central nervous system of the rat. I. Modifications of norepinephrine turnover. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1968;163:163–171

Yaribeygi, H., Panahi, Y., Sahraei, H., Johnston, T. P., & Sahebkar, A. (2017). The impact of stress on body function: A review. EXCLI journal, 16, 1057.

Ways To Write A Synopsis For A Dissertation

Dissertation Synopsis

Synopsis is generally the summary of a project that is planned to seek the approval of the authorities. It is important because a synopsis decides whether the authorities will accept the research paper or not. Synopsis writing is very different from the usual essay writing. Arabessay provide content writing services in Sur.

A synopsis is constructed In a way that it gives a clear picture of the research paper to the reviewer at one glance. ( Terrell,2015)  It carries a summary of what the research is all about, and highlights the important points that are to be discussed in the research paper. Most importantly a synopsis describes the importance of the research in detail so that whosoever is reviewing the synopsis will be convinced that the research is necessary and approves the research. In this article, we are going to discuss ways to write a synopsis for a particular research paper. 

Ways To Write A Synopsis Dissertation

A dissertation synopsis consists of a title, hypothesis which is also called statement of a problem, objectives, literature review, and research methodology, references, and official requirements. 

  • Title

The title represents what the research paper is all about. Therefore the title of the synopsis must be brief, and informative. Students should avoid writing a catchy title when they are preparing a synopsis. The length of the title should neither be lengthy neither should it be very short. Most importantly the name of the institute along with the total number of cases should be included in the title. (Horn,2012)

  • Hypothesis- 

In a dissertation synopsis consists of a hypothesis which is also called a statement of a problem. Here the key problem is described precisely. Based on the problem the aids are constructed by the research student. In short, it is the prediction of the relationship between more than one variable. It shows the necessity of the research that needs to be conducted. It is mostly done after the research student has clearly understood the problem and reviewed the literature keeping other factors in mind. Students should remember that the hypothesis of a synopsis is written in approximately 200 words.

  • Objectives

The synopsis should mention the objectives of the research paper assuring the reader that the objectives will be achieved in the research paper. There must be no more than two to three objectives about the problem mentioned in the research paper. Most importantly while mentioning the objectives in the synopsis students should avoid using the terms like “ the only study” etc.

  • Literature Review

The literature review is a vital part of the synopsis. It is written so that the readers or the target audience can familiarize themselves with the problem stated in the research. It also describes in detail any work done by others on similar subjects and further helps the research students understand the hurdles faced by other researchers. It anticipates the problems that might crop up during the research and finds strategic solutions to those problems. Literature review also assists in modifying the research paper. Most importantly it reflects the depth of knowledge of the research student. Students should write the literature review in approximately 300 words quoting references that are easily retrieved.

  • Research Methodology

The synopsis should also describe the method in which the research will be conducted in about 200 words. It forms the core of the research. Students should keep in mind that the research methodology consists of the design of the research, settings of the research, samples, controls, methods of study that include investigation and examination, data collection, analysis, and ethical clearance. (Thomas ,et.al 2007)

  • References

A research paper is written extracting information from already published material mostly. If the referencing is not done correctly the research papers can get rejected on grounds of plagiarism. Students must keep a note of the places where they are extracting the information from along with the date when the information was last visited and list them down in the references section. There are different styles in which the information used can be referenced. The most common and widely used referencing styles are APA and MLA. Students who do not have much experience in referencing a research paper can avoid stepping into the plagiarism trap by seeking dissertation assignment help from ArabEssay. In some cases, students can also add an acknowledgment after the references to especially thank the people who have helped them prepare the research paper on time.

  • Official Requirements – 

The most important part of a synopsis is the section that contains the official information. Any synopsis is incomplete without this section. The official requirements include the name of the research student along with his or her designation, Name and designation of the guide who has helped the student in his research, Name and designation of the concerned HOD either of the department of the institute, full name of the university and finally signature of the officials along with the seal and their registration numbers if any applicable. 


Therefore it can be said that Synopsis is considered to be the most important part of a research paper because it decides the fate of the research paper. Moreover, it is the first official documents that is assessed by officials and based on the synopsis the reviewers decide whether or not to allow the research paper. Therefore it needs to be constructed carefully keeping all the important aspects in mind. Synopsis should briefly summarize the research paper and highlight the importance of the research. Students who lack experience in writing a synopsis for the research paper can enroll in write my dissertation for me and write down a perfect synopsis for their research paper.


Terrell, S. R. (2015). Writing a proposal for your dissertation: Guidelines and examples. Guilford Publications.

Bradford, M. (2003). Writing essays, reports and dissertations. Key Methods in Geography, 497.

Horn, R. (2012). Researching and writing dissertations: A complete guide for business and management students. Kogan Page Publishers.

Thomas, R. M., & Brubaker, D. L. (2007). Theses and dissertations: A guide to planning, research, and writing. Corwin Press.

Singh, J., Vishakantamurthy, D. G., & Charan, P. M. (2012). Synopsis and Reference System. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, 2(1), 43.

Gumbo, M. T., Mathipa, E. R., & Ngulube, P. (2014). Writing an acceptable dissertation thesis. ADDRESSING RESEARCH CHALLENGES.

Allison, B., & Race, P. (2004). The student’s guide to preparing dissertations and theses. Routledge.

Graustein, J. S. (2014). How to write an exceptional thesis or dissertation: A step-by-step guide from proposal to successful defense. Atlantic Publishing Company.

Jalilifar, A., & VAHID, D. H. (2010). A contrastive generic analysis of thesis and dissertation abstracts: Variations across disciplines and cultures.

Project-Based Learning | A Brief Overview

Project-Based Learning

Project Based Learning also knownis an instructional methodology encouraging students to learn by applying knowledge and skills through an engaging experience. PBL presents opportunities for deeper learning in-context and for the development of important skills tied to college and career readiness. In this article we are going to give a brief overview about project based learning and discuss in details about different project based learning ideas.

 Characteristics Of Project Based Learning

Here are three characteristics of meaningful project based learning activities that lead to deeper student understanding:

1.) Interdisciplinary

Project based curriculum is designed to engage students using real-world problems. This is an interdisciplinary approach because real-world challenges are rarely solved using information or skills from a single subject area. Projects require students to engage in inquiry, solution building, and product construction to help address the issue or challenge presented. As students do the work, they often use content knowledge and skills from multiple academic domains to successfully complete the project.

2.) Rigorous

Project based education requires the application of knowledge and skills, not just recall or recognition. Unlike rote learning to assess a single fact, PBL assesses how students apply a variety of academic content in new contexts. As students engage in a project, they begin with asking a question. Inquiry leads the student to think critically as they are using their academic knowledge in real-world applications. The inquiry process leads to the development of solutions to address the identified problem. They show their knowledge in action through the creation of products designed to communicate solutions to an audience.

3.) Student-Centered

In PBL, the role of the teacher shifts from content-deliverer to facilitator/project manager. Students work more independently through the PBL process, with the teacher providing support only when needed. Students are encouraged to make their own decisions about how best to do their work and demonstrate their understanding. The PBL process fosters student independence, ownership of his/her work, and the development of 21st century/workplace skills. To gather detailed knowledge about the characteristics of project based learning students can avail project based learning from ArabEssay experts.

Reasons To Adopt Project Based Learning Model

Here are 4 reasons to adopt a project based learning model:

  • PBL Is A Multidisciplinary Pedagogical Approach Providing Meaningful Learning OpportunitiesWhile project based learning can certainly be content-specific, it provides a vehicle for integrating multiple subjects into one cumulative project. PBL encourages students to make meaningful connections across content areas, rather than thinking about each subject area in isolation. For example, four teachers from four different classrooms at Huntington Middle School (PA) used their individual strengths in a rotational, project-based model to teach middle school students how to apply STEM to real-world situations. The team included a technology teacher, the library media specialist, math teacher, and science teacher who split the students into four classes and rotated them every three days. During the nine-week project, students were tasked to use STEM and ELA skills to create their own artificial island. They used knowledge from all four teachers to finish the multifaceted, cross-curricular project and presented to their classmates. Online essay writers from ArabEssay teach students about the different learning opportunities that can be availed through PBL.
  • PBL Helps Build 21st-Century Skills Students Need To Succeed– As educators, it is essential to prepare our students to meet the demands of today’s changing global society. With increased engagement, PBL encourages a deeper understanding of content which develops critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, These skills are required for college, work, and life beyond school.
  • PBL Provides Opportunities To Engage Students In Real-World Learning. PBL is arguably the greatest opportunity to engage students in authentic projects or performance tasks tied to real-world careers and experiences.

Challenges Of Project-Based Learning

The Intel Corporation identified several reasons why project-based learning can represent such a radical departure from what we are used to in education. PBL requires you to coach more and instruct less, to embrace interdisciplinary learning instead of remaining locked in single-subject silos, and to be more comfortable with uncertainty and discovery during the learning process.

For many instructors, PBL is a stark contrast to the traditional education they experienced. Change takes time and is seldom without apprehension and challenges. However, when we consider the types of educational experiences we value for our modern learners, it becomes apparent the traditional “sage on the stage” instructional model falls significantly short.

The truth is, though, you can overcome these PBL challenges. Good problems or ideas can come from your students, parents, or community members. Instead of lectures and book learning, teachers can think through the steps required to solve a problem and use those steps as project-learning activities. Instead of planning a massive project, the learning process can be made more manageable by chunking the project into smaller parts, with frequent checkpoints built into the timeline. Instead of a traditional summative exam, authentic assessments can be developed by communicating with professionals in the field regarding what a presentation would look like related to a particular project. Students who wish to overcome the challenges they face while learning the different approaches of project based learning can seek instant essay help from ArabEssay experts.


Project-based learning takes the essential characteristics of what we value most about education and puts them front and center of our formal learning environments. It is a popular and noble aspiration for educators to inspire and develop life-long learners. Undeniably, PBL helps prepare students for the “real world” since that are naturally where their learning occurs. The Intel Corporation identified several reasons why project-based learning can represent such a radical departure from what we are used to in education. The truth is, though, you can overcome these PBL challenges. Good problems or ideas can come from your students, parents, or community members. Instead of lectures and book learning, teachers can think through the steps required to solve a problem and use those steps as project-learning activities. Instead of planning a massive project, the learning process can be made more manageable by chunking the project into smaller parts, with frequent checkpoints built into the timeline. Instead of a traditional summative exam, authentic assessments can be developed by communicating with professionals in the field regarding what a presentation would look like related to a particular project.


DeFillippi, R. J. (2001). Introduction: Project-based learning, reflective practices and learning.

Savery, J. R. (2015). Overview of problem-based learning: Definitions and distinctions. Essential readings in problem-based learning: Exploring and extending the legacy of Howard S. Barrows, 9, 5-15.

Martin, J. G., López, C. L., & Martínez, J. E. P. (2014, October). Supporting the design and development of Project Based Learning courses. In 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Best Ways To Complete Homework

Homework Help

Over decades, homework considered as primary and secondary concerns for students, despite it is based both on academic and non-academic purpose. Homework used as learning resources provides student opportunities to improve the learning habits and aiming to achieve academic success. Tsai and Jian (2013) have conducted a study and analyze American students perception regarding homework. They remarked students perceived and enjoyed homework more which is based on the belief “Practice makes a man perfect”. But this can’t be denied, homework assigned inappropriate way impact their educational conditions and attitudes. The academic purpose of homework is to improve students’ skills, students acquire factual knowledge and raise positive attitude among them regarding homework (Dillard et.al, 2008). In the previous literature, it has shown homework helps students to learn concepts and some researchers have done their study to perform a meta-analysis of academic concepts, through this blog, we are going share best ways to complete homework to make learning happening and effective.

Students Attitude Towards The Way Teacher’s Give Homework  

The purpose of homework should be briefly discussed with students before giving them a deadline. The core objective of any homework is to understand the lesson teachers taught, sometimes analyzing the effectiveness of concepts. Contradicting to explaining student’s attitudes, the following chart has been prepared through the study conducted by Prommin Songsirisak and Jutharat Jitpranee.

Source- Prommin Songsirisak and Jutharat Jitpranee, 2018

According to the study led by Prommin Songsirisak and Jutharat Jitpranee, approximately 50% of students’ inferred homework assigned to them ably explained by teachers. 23 % are agreed, they got the purpose easily when teachers briefly explained sub-points.

As per essay help USA, some students believed that homework has hidden objectives which aim to measure their learning ability.

Some of the students have also said, I think 30% of teachers tell them homework objectives but rest 70% don’t tell them specific objectives. Henceforth in both the situation, apprehending the requirement of homework is a must.

Effects Of Homework On Students Learning Objectives

Meanwhile, when everything is moving at much faster rate whether we talk about conducting an online examination or giving homework with deadlines, it is necessary to first scrutinize what is its purpose and how it influence students learning objectives (Fernández et.al, 2018). Several qualitative data has revealed students don’t get bored with homework easily, but they find it uninteresting when concepts taught to them are not clear. Again when study followed by Prommin Songsirisak and Jutharat Jitpranee, they found students marked several reasons behind not doing tuition assignments. Out of which the most prominent are listed in a given table

Source- Prommin Songsirisak and Jutharat Jitpranee, 2018

The qualitative research focuses on determining whether students feel comfortable with homework given or not.  As per the online essay writer, the data-driven from the study has shown 28% of respondents have accepted homework improves learning achievements. On that contrary, only 7 % said, it doesn’t have any effects on my learning.

On accounting what makes students irritable, they said, approximately 80% of syllabus they covered from homework, rest 20% from reading texts. Thus it can be said when students practice their homework, it not only makes them able to score high grades, in fact, the cumulative score that they gained in homework enhances their overall grades.

In the direction of briefing about all the facts and figures addressing the relevance of homework, now the time comes to explore some amazing tips via you can do your homework in less time

Best Ways to Complete Homework

Start Early

There are many stances occur when students caught with plagiarism. In the majority of cases when students find homework, they used to copy contents from the internet without summarizing and this entire thing led them into plagiarism trap (Vatterott, 2018). In online assignment help experts’ opinion, students must start early if homework has given to them. Through this step, they can avoid the last-minute cheating situation and get sufficient time to discuss the core motive of homework

Gather All The Necessary Resources

Like as preferences of doing homework changes as per homework style, gathering resources for the homework changes with a topic. For this read the topic carefully, collects all the supplements, journals, articles, text books sooner as the teacher gives you assignments. You may also refer to essay deustch help who will guide to make your homework error-free.

Plan And Organize

Nothing can be systemic if it is not planned. Thence to make homework accurate, error-free all you need is to check resource, notes, consider consolidating multiple types of folders, and must decide how much time you want to spend to complete homework collectively. Take breaks during working hours so that you will keep motivated.

Reward Yourself At Each Step

Homework always comes with enjoyment might be seen as the biggest myth, as nothing is possible without rewarding and motivation. If you reward yourself after finishing homework, your brain will automatically respond when you will get the next assignment. In case you need to submit well proofread and error-free assignments, you may also take assistance from proofreading experts and assignment writers of ArabEssay.


In this blog, we first discussed the academic and non-academic purpose of homework that defines that the academic purpose of homework is to improve student’s skills, make students acquire factual knowledge and raise positive attitude among them.  In the next section we came to know through connecting facts and figures, students believed homework has hidden objectives which aim to measure students learning ability. We even described homework effects on students learning achievements when students practice their homework, it not only makes them able to score high grades, in fact, the cumulative score that they gained in homework enhances their overall grades. At last, we addressed some amazing tips via students can secure best grades from them selves

If you need any sort of assistance for your homework assignments, then ArabEssay based essay typer team is always with you to give an attractive solution at minimum price


Dillard-Eggers, J., Wooten, T., Childs, B., & Coker, J. (2008). Evidence on the effectiveness of on-line homework. College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal (CTMS), 4(5), 9-16.

Fernández-Alonso, R., Álvarez-Díaz, M., Suárez-Álvarez, J., & Muñiz, J. (2017). Students’ achievement and homework assignment strategies. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 286.


Tsai, K. C., & Jiang, H. Y. (2013). Chinese and American Third Grade Students’ Perceptions of Homework. International Journal of Economy, Management and Social

Sciences, 2(6), 212 – 216 Vatterott, C. (2010). Five hallmarks of good homework. Educational Leadership, 68(1), 10-15.

Vatterott, C. (2018). Rethinking homework: Best practices that support diverse needs. ASCD.

The Role Of Promotion In The Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix

No matter whether organization produce few goods and services or a large one, to survive in the market place, it is necessary marketers to keep inform, persuade the potential buyers about the importance of their goods and services.

The promotional strategy is considered as optimal strategy shred lights on the organizational goals and objectives respected to marketing mix i.e product, place promotion and price. Aftermath promotional plan referred to as an integral part of the marketing strategy for reaching the targeting market (Todor, 2016). Let’s discuss the ingredients that include sales promotion, advertising, personal selling accompanied to get goals in this blog.

Promotional Mix Impacting Goods And Services Productivity

When more funds are allocated to marketing mix ingredients, the more emphasis was attributed to promotional mix planning. The main function of the marketing mix is all about convincing customers and offering services which in turn provide them with competitive advantages. As per essay deustch this competitive advantage is basically a set of unique features bringing superiority to the target market. For instance, Lexus termed as the competitive advantage of luxury cars in the US.

Now let’s dive deeper to gain insights on promotional marketing mix throughout impacting overall promotional mix for particular goods and services.

Advertising – Almost all the services use advertising to reach their targeted goals, where multi million classified are published in newspaper, magazines, social media sites etc. In this direction, advertising is defined as impersonal paid campaigns in which sponsor of the company get identified (Kumar & Raju 2013). One of the primary benefits of advertising is its ability to communicate a large number of consumers. This provides advantages to reach message having a low cost per contact.

Public Relations- This component of the promotional mix evaluated public attitudes, and identifying areas in which the public are interested and execute plans so that the public will accept the goods easily. It helps an organization to communicate with its consumers, stakeholders, employees in which community operates. As said by essay help USA, marketers use public relation not only to create positive images even introducing new products and supporting sales effects (Nikabadi, et.al, 2015). 

This also generates public favourably. This initiative helped the organization to achieve maximum growth.

Sales Promotion- A sale promotion consists of all marketing activities stimulate consumer purchasing power and increases dealer effectiveness. This is generally defined as short text needed to simulate immediate demand from the consumers. It also included free samples, premiums, contestants, trade shows and coupons (Cummins & Mullin, 2010). Marketers are nowadays are also used promotional strategies to improve ingredients strategies complement strategies by yielding sales promotions. In case you need any assistance to write an impressive and impeccable assignment on promotional marketing mix, then you can also get essay writing help from ArabEssay.

Personal Selling- Nothing can accelerate much faster than personal selling strategy to influence consumer behavior. Indeed it is important to identify those characteristics that affect consumer decision-making ability to a wider range. Out of which personal selling is a crucial factor which is nothing but purchasing situation involving personal paid communication influencing with each other. 

Personal selling includes a planned presentation for the purpose of making a sale. Whether it is taking place on face to face or over the phone, it attempts to persuade the buyer to accept goods and services. 

On that contrary a relationship selling emphasis on win-win outcomes and aiming to the accomplishment of mutual outcomes set by buyers and sellers equally. But as digitalization is progressing, personal selling increasingly depend on the internet. Nowadays the majority of companies is seeking information to attract potential buyers. 

The Role Of Promotion In The Marketing Mix

  • It is creating awareness typically used to reach goals bringing product launch awareness, sales promotion, rebrand and more
  • The usage of personal selling and direct marketing is utilized to identify the specific need of products
  • This offers information and creates a superior brand image in the eyes of consumers
  • Business use compelling action to provide prospects (Ahmed. 2020) 
  • This is further utilized to influence consumer choices and predicting their behavior
  • This increases sales and creates a loyal brand image among consumers


In this blog, we have tried to elaborate promotional strategies shredding lights on the organizational goals and objectives respected to the marketing mix. After analyzing information, we came to know the main function of the marketing mix is all about convincing customers and offering services which in turn provide them with competitive advantages. We even discussed promotional mix that is advertising, personal selling, public relations and sales promotions. Each component influences marketing strategy to a wide range. Aftermath we discussed the role of Promotion in the marketing Mix that typically exerts influence on creating awareness used to reach goals bringing product launch awareness, sales promotion, rebrand.

In any case, you need immediate assistance from the Arabessay assignment writer team, then don’t think or waste your time in scrolling down web pages. Our writers are always ready to provide flexible and impressive assignments at low budgets.


Ahmed.A (2020) What Are the Roles That Promotion Plays in Marketing? Retrieved from- https://smallbusiness.chron.com/roles-promotion-plays-marketing-25878.html, data accessed on 25/11/2020

Cummins, J., & Mullin, R. (2010). Sales promotion: How to create, implement and integrate campaigns that really work. Kogan Page Publishers.

Kumar, D. P., & Raju, K. V. (2013). The role of advertising in consumer decision making. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 14(4), 37-45.

Nikabadi, M. S., Safui, M. A., & Agheshlouei, H. (2015). Role of advertising and promotion in brand equity creation. Journal of Promotion Management, 21(1), 13-32.

Todor, R. D. (2014). The importance of branding and rebranding for strategic marketing. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V, 7(2), 59.

Tips For Adopting The PEEL Writing Strategy

PEEL Writing Strategy

Peel is an approach used in essay writing that is used to force the writer to use a particular format that has an aligned structure. (Humphrey,et.al,2015) It helps the student express their thoughts in an organized way, using a format that can be easily adopted by their readers. Peel writing method is used to provide a deep perception of the thoughts of the students using the strategy. Even if the procedure is complex the techniques of using a peel strategy can be simplified by using certain tips and tricks. In this article today we are going to share tips for adopting the peel writing strategy for students.

The first question that arises in mind when we talk about PEEL method is what is peel?

The answer lies in the question itself. The term PEEL is an acronym for Point, Evidence, Explain and Link. These constitute a part of the paragraph.

  • Point– Point is usually reflected right at the opening of a paragraph. It is vital because the initial first few sentences define the point. The point is then elaborated in the whole paragraph. Therefore students need to state the point clearly in the opening paragraph so that the readers have a clear idea about what is being discussed in the subsequent paragraphs. Students should avoid the use of irrelevant sentences while sating the point so that the readers do not deviate from the topic and get confused.
  • Evidence– Students need to provide appropriate evidence to support the evidence. The evidence can be in the form of facts, analysis, data, events and stats. The evidence need to be extracted from reliable sites, books, research papers, journals, internet, or magazines. That can be referred back in times of need. The evidences provided in the essay helps students believe in the arguments and facts.
  • Explain– The next segment is explanation, where students are told to make their audience understand the points. The facts and arguments presented in the essay hold no water if they are not explained properly. Students are thus advised to explain every fact and argument presented in details. In case they face difficulties in doing so they can seek online assignment help from ArabEssay experts.   
  • Link– Linking the paragraphs to one another is as important as explaining. A connection is established between sentences when two or more sentences are linked to one another. It helps in bringing out a practical conclusion of the paragraph.

A peel writing strategy is generally used to write creative essays. It helps create an essay that is engaging, the introductory paragraphs are made interesting so that it can hold the interest of the readers’ right from the start.

Tips For Students While Implementing The Peel Writing Strategy

  • Plan Your Paragraph- Students often miss out on the need to plan an essay before putting their words on the paper. They must not forget that planning helps save a lot of productive time of students minimizing the chances of making mistakes allowing them more time in hand while drafting the essay. Moreover a planned essay is easily comprehensible for the readers or the target audience for whom the essay has been drafted. (Meixner,et.al,2020)
  • Focus On The Introductory Lines-  Students should ensure they avoid the use of personal pronouns while drafting the introduction. Also they need to highlight the main points in the introduction so that the readers have a clear picture of what the essay is all about and draft an engaging introduction that can hook the readers to the essay and retain their interests. In case students  find difficulties in writing a precise interesting introduction because of lack of experience they can avail instant essay help from ArabEssay experts.
  • Give The Best Suitable Examples To Support Your Argument As Evidence-  Mentioning key points in the introduction is not enough to convince and retain a reader and persuade them to agree to your point. To ensure the readers are also on the same plane it is important that the best suitable examples are being given to support an argument as evidence.  Students should ensure the examples they provide to support their essay are persuasive and compelling in nature. In case students run short of such examples they can take the help of online assignment writers from ArabEssay.
  • Proofread The Essay Before Submission- It is necessary that students get the essay proofread by experts post completion to ensure that the peel strategy has been implemented successfully keeping the university guidelines in mind. It is important that students take the help of expert essay helpers and make them proofread the assignments instead of proofreading the assignments themselves because in most cases the brain auto corrects the mistakes and the students miss out on the small factual errors and grammatical mistakes that affect the quality of the assignment. Therefore to ensure the essay is written with accuracy and is unique, flawless and non-plagiarized it is advised that students hire a third party writing expert who edit and proofread the essay before submission.


PEEL writing is often used while writing an essay and it comes out to be its crucial form. Students must always support their statements with relevant facts and examples by giving extra explanations for them. If you are a student, then you need to focus on various writing techniques by adopting different approaches and adhering to them in the future. Whether you plan to write for some research paper, essay or any other form of writing, make sure that you frame it using the PEEL writing style. To ensure students implement this style successfully they should keep the following tips in mind. First, students should ensure they plan a paragraph before putting their words into the paper. Second, they should focus on the introductory lines and write an introduction that is precise, to the point and engaging and also helps readers analyze what the essay is all about. Third, Students should make sure they support the essay giving the best suitable examples to support your argument as evidence to help convince their target audience to agree to their point. And, finally students should get the assignments proofread by a third party professional expert to make sure the peel strategy has been implemented correctly in the essay and the essay is free from grammatical errors and factual flaws before they are submitted to the students.


Humphrey, S., Sharpe, T., & Cullen, T. (2015). Peeling the PEEL: Integrating language and literacy in the middle years. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 23(2), 53.

Meixner, E., Peel, A., Hendrickson, R., Szczeck, L., & Bousum, K. (2019). Storied Lives: Teaching Memoir Writing Through Multimodal Mentor Texts. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 62(5), 495-508.

TANIŞ, A., Şensoy, F. H., & Derin, A. T. A. Y. (2020). The effects of L1 use and dialogic instruction on EFL writing. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6(1), 1-21.

Bondar, N. (2020). Composing Moves: Writing with Students about Henry IV, Part One. English Journal, 109(5), 113-115.

Meixner, E. S., & Peel, A. (2020). Helping Students Choose a Reading Frame: Three Ways of Teaching Jacqueline Woodson’s Harbor Me. New Jersey English Journal, 9(1), 13.

Tips For Preparing And Acing Your Remote Job Interview

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The world is going through a crisis time and in order to safeguard oneself from the threat of exposing yourself to the virus employers have adapted the process of remote interviews.  This particular invention relates to a network interview system that holds an interview on the internet for immediate recruitment.  The purpose is to provide a remote interview session for a job seeker. It involves a connection of two individual computers connected to one another with the help of internet. One is with the employer and the second is with the job seeker.( Lin,et,al, 2005) In this article we are going to share remote job interview tips with students that will help them crack interviews efficiently.

Process Of A Remote Job Interview

The entire process of a remote job interview is broken down in the following steps-

1. Applying, 2, Screening,  3. Short Listing, 4. Telephonic Interview, 5. Written Examination, 6. One-On Session with the Employer, 7. Documentation and Background Verification,  8. Employment.

The below image shows the steps of a remote job interview

  • Applying – The process of a remote job interview starts the day a candidate submits his or her resume in an organization. Unlike traditional ways of recruitment where students use to write physical letters to organizations and send it across through post then wait for a reply from them today candidates who feel they are suitable for a particular job role and have the particular expertise can send in their applications to organizations through emails. The best part about applying a job online is that now candidates do not need to wait for weeks and months to hear from their recruiters. The moment they send in their application they receive a auto generated email from the recruiter’s end that tells them that their application has been successfully sent and received by the concerned department. Students are often seen taking help from assignment help from ArabEssay to prepare a professional resume that highlights the required information before they send it to recruiters.
  • Screening – The next step is screening where the recruiters screen all the applications based on their requirements. This was previously a manual process and took days but with the invention of software recruiters are now able to screen thousands of applications in minutes. Moreover since the entire screening is done with the help of software the accuracy levels are higher. There are lesser chances of human errors and its faster compared to the traditional methods of screening. The requirements are feed in the computer and the CV is filtered according to the requirements by the organizational heads using software.
  • Short Listing– Immediately after the screening is complete the resumes of the candidates that match the requirement of the  recruiters are shortlisted and an email is sent to prospective candidates. There are online job portals where students can apply for a job instead of directly sending it to the organization. The reason being that these online job portals constantly track the status of job applications and send updates to students because of which they do not need to visit the organization personally to seek updates.
  • Telephonic Interview– Prospective candidates who were required to come to the organization after receiving the letter of short listing do not need to travel anywhere. Organizations now arrange for an telephonic interview with the candidate and share the details with them. It saves time  and helps students become more confident because they are not facing the recruiters directly. Students are asked basic questions about why they are applying for the job and their expectations from the organization during the interview. However it is advised that students practice mock calls before they face the telephonic interview to avoid faltering and stammering during the interview.
  • Written Examination-  There are organizations that demand candidates to give a written test. In case of remote job interview they are made to answer their papers sitting online within a stipulated time and then submit the paper in the online portal of the organization. In most cases the questions that the candidates are given to answer are one word questions with multiple options where the candidates need to pick the right option.  Students who have never faced a online written test before can seek expert guidance from online assignment help from ArabEssay experts.
  • One On One Session With The Employer- Traditionally after the candidates successfully completed the telephonic round and written examination they were sent a call letter from the employer and asked to meet the recruiter in person for a one on one session. But times have changed. With the advancement of technology today there is no need for candidates to travel. Post successful completion of the telephonic interview and written examination candidates are called on a face to face interview using the video conferencing software where they can speak, see and listen to the recruiter at the same time through a software. It is advised that candidates are dressed formally when they face this online session and keep a smile on their face as they speak to their employer.
  • Documentation–  Prospective candidates who have been selected for a job are sent a list of documents after the completion of the face to face interview via email. They are generally asked to send in the scanned copy of their documents. It is advised that candidates make sure the scanned copy of the required documents are clear and legible and are sent in the prescribed size and format to the recruiter within the desired time frame.
  • Background Verification-  The background verification of the candidates are also done electronic mediums. The recruiters send the details of the candidate to the concerned companies through email, and fax and receive the required information in hours time from concerned departments.
  • Employment–  Today the job confirmation is also sent to candidates through emails along with the salary details, appointment letter and terms and conditions of employment. It is advised that the candidates read the terms carefully before accepting them and seek for clarifications in case they find difficulties in understanding the terms of employment/. 

Tips For Cracking A Remote Job Interview

Below mentioned are some remote job interview tips for students.

  • Prepare a clear concise and impressive  resume.
  • Students are not advised to reply to every email sent by the recruiter immediately.
  • Prepare a dedicated space where they can sit and give the interview without getting distracted.
  • Students are advised to dress formally and check their internet connection, camera and mike before they appear for an online interview.
  • Read the terms of employment carefully and confidently answer the questions of the recruiter.


Therefore it can be said that remote job interviews have fast tracked the pace of interviews and also lead to accurate analyzing helping organizations find the correct employee for their organization. However it is advised that candidates facing a remote job interview must undergo mock interviews to have a clear idea about the interview. They must also be accustomed with the software and work on their communication skills to avoid faltering during the interview sessions. They can take online assignment help from ArabEssay experts in case they feel they do not have the required experience to face a remote job interview.


Anderson, H. (2010). Phone interview tips for savvy candidates.

Corfield, R. (2010). Knockout Job Interview Presentations: How to Present with Confidence Beat the Competition and Impress Your Way into a Top Job. Kogan Page Publishers.

Higgins, M. (2014). Prepare for a job interview by video link with these tips from Mike Higgins Close up on remote interviews. Nursing Standard, 29(7).

Lin, W. S. (2005). U.S. Patent Application No. 11/126,173.

Top 5 Things To Consider When Choosing A Career

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Choosing a career is by far the most important decision that academic students make during their academic years of learning. Likings develop into choices and these choices grow firm as students grow older giving them firm reasons why they should or should not make a particular career choice based on their experiences, learning and expertise. ( Earle, F. M.1931)

However in this article we are going to talk about the factors when choosing a career and why career is so important in life?

5 Things To Keep In Mind When Choosing A Career

  • First Thing Is To Analyze Whether Or Not You Are Happy With Your Decision-  It might sound traditional but your primary focus should be to see whether or not you are happy with your decision especially when it comes to choosing a career. The simplest way to check whether the subject you are opting for makes you happy or not is to see if you can easily understand the basic. (Staff, P.2020) For example if numbers make you feel feverish than accountancy is not your cup of tea. Students should analyze the subjects they are genuinely interested in before they take a call on the career choice.
  • Choose A Career That Is Realistic And Viable–  The second important point to be kept in mind is that the career you choose should be viable and realistic. Not everything we have a interest in is a good career choice. Therefore after analyzing your interests you should also check the feasibility of the interest before you finalize a career option. Checking the viability of the career choice means calculating the chances of getting a job utilizing your interests. For example  if a student is interested in cooking and has developed culinary skills than he might consider pursuing a career in hotel management and aspire becoming a chef. Therefore it can be said that students should focus on realistic and viable career options.
  • The Social Environment Should Also Be Taken Into Consideration- Students who like to mingle and be among people, in short students who are extroverts and people person i.e, they like to be among people should positively take the social environment into consideration. Unlike introverts who are comfortable working alone people persons like to be a part of a group while working. Extroverts are most of the times in need of more stimulation. Students should consider choosing a career that fits their social needs.  It’s good to experiment new fields if proper guidance is provided.  Students can now avail online Assignment help from ArabEssay experts.
  • Choose A Career That Suites Your Working Style– Every individual entity has a separate working style based on their daily habits. For example a person who is an early riser should never chose a career that goes against your sleep cycle. Similarly there are some students who enjoy the pressures of meeting deadlines and go by a structure. And there are some who are slow and do not like to rush. The career path a student chooses should be conductive to the environment in which you are working. Be it a job or a business, be it working for someone or establishing your own business.  Working for a concern that suites your work style  makes work enjoyable and releases stress and anxiety.( Hatane, S. E, et.al,2020)
  • Make A List Of Your Priorities– The primary concern of students should be that the assignments are completed within deadlines. No matter how much you love the subject, No matter how viable and promising the work is to ensure that you have a successful career students should make their own list of priorities. They should segregate the urgency of their tasks based on priority. For example if a student is asked to submit an assignment by tomorrow in English and has not completed it yet it is advised that they should not sit with another task in mathematics which is due in the next two days. Instead they should take instant essay help from ArabEssay experts. Your priority list will further help you strike a work-life balance. It is important that students also prioritize their personal agendas before choosing a career. It saves time and money in the future.


Therefore it can be said that whenever a student plans to step into the professional world they should first make up their minds as to which career is most suited for them. In order to choose and finalize their career they can do two things first, consider these five things while choosing the career.  First Thing is to analyze whether or not you are happy with your decision. Secondly, choose a career that is realistic and viable. Not everything we have a interest in is a good career choice. Therefore after analyzing your interests you should also check the feasibility of the interest before you finalize a career option. Checking the viability of the career choice means calculating the chances of getting a job utilizing your interests; thirdly,

The Social Environment Should Also be taken into Consideration. Students who like to mingle and be among people, in short students who are extroverts and people person i.e., they like to be among people should positively take the social environment into consideration. Fourthly, Choose a career that suites your working style. Every individual entity has a separate working style based on their daily habits. For example a person who is an early riser should never chose a career that goes against your sleep cycle and finally The primary concern of students should be that the assignments are completed within deadlines. No matter how viable and promising the work is to ensure that you have a successful career students should make their own list of priorities. They should segregate the urgency of their tasks based on priority. For example if a student is asked to submit an assignment by tomorrow in English and has not completed it yet it is advised that they should not sit with another task in mathematics which is due in the next two days. Students who face difficulties understanding the subject and writing assignments should take immediate assistance from ArabEssay experts apart from considering all the above points.


Earle, F. M. (1931). Methods of choosing a career. George G Harrap and Company Ltd, London.

Staff, P. (2020). 6 Things to Consider When Choosing a Residency Program.

Hatane, S. E., Setiono, F. J., Setiawan, F. F., Semuel, H., & Mangoting, Y. (2020). Learning environment, students’ attitude and intention to enhance current knowledge in the context of choosing accounting career. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.

Best Way To Handle Media Communication Assignment

Online Assignment Help

Mass communication deals with public media. It allows people to communicate with the mass using technology. It has gained a lot of popularity among people because of the obvious reason that it gives a person the platform to forecast their communication skills. As a result, students get center stage attraction easily and gain popularity. Apart from this mass communication also known as media communication improves communication skills of students and helps them become confident. It allows students to reach out to masses with the help of electronic media which saves their time and energy.

Mass communication or media communication has different segments that include journalism, advertising, public relations, and broadcasting.

There is a common misconception that the assignments of mass communication are easy, which is not exactly true. It requires the use of analytical skills to understand and write quality assignments on mass communication. Most students lack the required skills and face a lot of challenges when they are to write assignments on media communication. In this article, we are going to discuss the best way to handle media communication assignments.

Ways To Write Assignments On Media Communication

  • Students Should Set Personal Goals Before They Start Working On An Assignment

It is very important to retain interest to write quality assignments on media communication. And, the best way to do it is by setting goals and objectives that motivate a student to keep to an assignment. The goal set by students should include the learning objectives that meet the requirements of the assignment.

The second biggest factor in determining the audience the assignment is targeting. Since Mass communication deals with people, students need to know the target audience before they finalize their goals. Finally, a list of requirements should be attached to the goals and objectives. It is important to understand what is being expected out of the student who is assigned the assignment. This also involves the advantages of the assignment that is being assigned to the student.

Therefore it can be said that goal of an assignment on media communication is set by defining the objectives, the target audience, and the required expectation from the student. These three factors contribute greatly to set up the goal which in turn self motivates the students to work on the assignment. Once a student is assigned an assignment he can take the help of an instant essay writer from ArabEssay to define the goal. 

  • Students Should Choose A Medium

Media communication involves different mediums of communication. For example videos, audio recordings, blogs, etc. The different mediums attract a different set of audience.

Therefore to reach out to the right audience students should pick up the right medium of communication after they have a clear sketch of the target audience with them. To choose the right medium students should have the answers to two vital questions with them. First, the opportunities offered through the medium and second, the kind of challenges that a student might have to go through while using the medium. Once they finalize the medium they can seek online assignment help by professional experts from ArabEssay. They help students overcome the challenges that they face while dealing with the medium. 

  • Set Deadlines At Every Level

Every assignment on media communication comes with deadlines within which students are supposed to complete their assignments. To make sure that they do not miss out on the deadline they should set their deadlines at each phase of the assignment. For example, they should set a due date for assigning the outline of the project, a separate due date for the storyboard, etc. This helps students calculate the exact time needed to complete the assignment and also track their progress systematically. 

  • The Best Way To Learn Is Self- Learn

The best way to handle an assignment on media communication is by trying your skills and expertise. It helps students see the pitfalls, and work on them, it further trains them by polishing their analytical skills and brushes their thinking capabilities.

However, in case students still feel that they are stuck somewhere while writing assignments on media communication they can always take help from ArabEssay instant essay help service. They have a team of highly qualified professional writers who write exceptional assignments on media communication for students who have been struggling with their assignments. They make sure the assignments are written with accuracy keeping these tips and the university guidelines in mind. They also provide instant solutions to any kind of assignment problems through a strong customer support team and provide students with expert guidance to make sure students can submit high-quality assignments on media communication within their deadlines. 


Therefore to conclude it can be said that to handle media communication assignments students keep the following points in mind.

First, students should set personal goals. These goals include defining the objectives, the target audience, and the required expectation from the student.

Second, Media communication involves different mediums of communication. For example videos, audio recordings, blogs, etc. Students must decide on the medium before they work on the assignments. It becomes easy for them to decide the medium once they have a clear picture of the target audience.

Third, to make sure that they do not miss out the deadline they should set their deadlines at each phase of the assignment. For example, they should set a due date for assigning the outline of the project, a separate due date for the storyboard, etc.

Fourth students should try their own hands while working on the assignments. It gives them knowledge about the pitfalls and also improves their skills that are required to write quality assignments on media communication. In case they feel they are stuck in between the assignments they can always seek professional help from ArabEssay essay writing help service. They have a team of experts who make sure students submit flawless assignments on media communication and never miss their deadlines.

What Is Cyberbullying | How It Affects Student’s Life

A particular form of aggression raised by peers in students is known as bullying. Similarly, in the digital space cyber bullying is an online aggression behavior. In modern times numerous students are subject to cyber bullying. Bullying in any form is harmful to the growth and development of students. In this article, we are going to discuss the Bullying effect on student’s performance

Effects Of Bullying On Students

The internet is a useful tool used by students for studying in modern times. It has opened up new avenues and started new methods of learning among students. The basic features of the internet like it can be used widely have made it popular among students. But on the other hand, the features that have made it popular because of its advantages have also become the main reason for undesirable behavior that threatens students and is highly offensive. 

The technologies that are mostly used in cyber bullying students are instant messaging, Smartphones, emails, online games, blogs, polling, and other personal websites. In cyber bullying repeated hostile behaviors by groups or individuals with a deliberate intention of harming others are made. 

The most affected segment of students affected by cyber bullying is the undergraduates who are still pursuing degree courses.  

The below image shows a survey report in the year 2014 conducted by Pew Research Center revealed that 96% of young adults between the ages group of 18 to 29 use internet email or use Smartphones to access the internet in which 91% are college students. That clearly states that the majority of students using these tools to access the internet are prone to cyber bullying. 

Types of Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying can be broadly categorized in 7 different types namely- Online harassment, flaming, denigration, cyberstalking, trickery and outing, masquerading, and exclusion.

  • Online Harassment- Continuously sending offensive messages is defined as online harassment.
  • Flaming– Sending of vulgar messages or messages that are rude and make a person angry through text or emails is termed as flaming.
  • Denigration– This occurs when untrue messages are circulated by the bullies about a person.
  • Cyber Stalking– When the bullies and threatens an individual repeatedly using online mediums accessing their personal information it is known as cyberstalking.
  • Trickery And Outing– When the bullies trick an individual and extract sensitive and private messages that can be both embarrassing and stigmatizing for individuals it is termed as Trickery and Outing. 
  • Masquerading– When the bullies steal the identity of individuals and harass people pretending to be someone else it is termed as Masquerading.
  • Exclusion– When individuals are left out of groups with deliberate malicious intentions it is termed as exclusion. In simple terms, it is known as boycotting an individual with malicious intentions.

Apart from these 7 categories of cyber bullying, there are additional categories as well. For example- Frapping i.e. when a person’s social media account is hacked with the intension of ruining their reputation. Dissing, i.e. sharing of cruel information. Trolling, i.e., provoking or insulting an individual online. Cat-Fishing- i.e, stealing the identity of an individual to create a fake profile. Phishing, i.e,  persuading, manipulating, and tricking an individual to extract the financial or personal information of an individual. Stalking, i.e, keeping constant track of the personal  information shared by an individual or group online. Blackmailing, i.e, sending of anonymous emails, phone calls, and messages to get something in place of secrets held by the cyber bullies. Threatening an individual to share vulnerable photographs or videos also comes under blackmailing. Apart from these there is also sexting and shunning. Sexting is when explicit videos and photographs are shared online without the individual’s knowledge and consent. And, shunning is avoiding, ignoring, and rejecting an individual persistently in social networks.

Effects Of Cyber Bullying

  • Cyber Bullying has a negative psychological impact on students and becomes one of the key reasons for depression, loneliness, low self- esteem, social exclusion, poor academic performance, and also school phobias.
  • Students facing cyberbullying are often distracted and suffer from a lack of concentration due to emotional stress.
  • Students tend to become less proactive during their online sessions and restrain themselves from asking questions.
  • The majority of students tend to drop out of their universities when they feel they are not being able to cope with the bullying.
  • The worst scenario is students are seen going through nervous breakdowns because of cyberbullying.
  • It is the sole reason why students tend to score low grades in their assignments.

Apart from the above-mentioned effects students also tend to become bankrupt, lose focus, and also develop suicidal tendencies due to cyberbullying. However, online essay help from ArabEssay can help students keep away from cyberbullies.

Preventive Measures To Keep The Cyberbullies At Arm’s Length

  • Professional services like online assignment help from ArabEssay can assist students in keeping the cyber bullies at bay. 
  • To avoid getting influenced by the cyber bullies students must develop a clear purpose and should be self-motivated and self- satisfied. ArabEssay essay typer can assist students in getting motivated by helping them gain in-depth knowledge of their subjects. Also, the new environment created by these professional services helps to keep a check on the cyber bullies. 
  • To avoid students getting into self-doubts and becoming insecure about their relationship these online services provide 24/7 assistance to students for instant solutions and expert guidance through chats, calls, and emails. This helps students keep themselves away from unnecessary stress and anxiety. 


Therefore it can be said that digital space cyberbullying is an online aggression behavior. The features that have made it popular because of its advantages have also become the main reason for undesirable behavior that threatens students and is highly offensive. Cyber Bullying can be broadly categorized in 7 different types namely- Online harassment, flaming, denigration, cyber stalking, trickery and outing, masquerading, and exclusion. Other categories also include trolling phishing, stalking, etc.

Cyber Bullying has a negative psychological impact on students. Students facing cyber bullying are often distracted and suffer from a lack of concentration due to emotional stress. Students tend to become less proactive during their online sessions and restrain themselves from asking questions. The majority of students tend to drop out of their universities when they feel they are not being able to cope with the bullying and also It is the sole reason why students tend to score low grades in their assignments.

Therefore to keep the cyber bullies at arm’s length Professional services like online assignment help from ArabEssay have stepped forward. It is also suggested that students must develop a clear purpose and should be self-motivated and self- satisfied. These services also keep students away from self- doubts and insecure relationships by providing them round the clock assistance. Through chats, calls, and emails.

Therefore it is clear that to have a successful career and achieve good grades throughout their academic careers students must stay away from negative people and comments of the online bullies. To gather more information on cyber bullying they must seek expert advice from ArabEssay experts.


DeHue et al., 2008; Juvonen and Gross, 2008; Kowalski and Limber, 2007; Grene, 2003; Juvonen et al., 2003; Rivituso, 2012; Varghese and Pistole, 2017; Na, 2014; Akcil, 2018

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