Countering Coronavirus Epidemic, Hard Lessons To Be Learnt

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There is an emergence of a new virus in China that has also rewind the painful memory of virulent respiratory disease that has wreaked worldwide havoc and struggle for the health ministry to build public trust. According to the China centre for Disease control and prevention coronavirus known as 2019-nCoV has infected. Coronaviruses are big family of viruses that cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses such as common cold (Huang, 2020). However Coronaviruses has emerged thrice in the 21st century from animal reservoirs that cause diseases and global transmission concern.

Coronavirus Disease & How It Is Treated?

Coronaviruses are one of the major diseases which are majorly caused due to cold and other upper respiratory infections. These are zoonoses virus which came from infection of a specific animal and later spread from one to another. Coronavirus infections also spread potentially to humans mainly if specific mutations in the virus occurred.

The symptoms of Coronavirus include cough, shortness of breath, and non-respiratory symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. The young generation has a weak immune system that causes major serious infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and others. The hundreds of Coronaviruses are circulated from various animals such as camels, pigs, cats, and bats. There are seven Coronaviruses that cause human disease out of which four are mild including viruses 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 (Zhu, 2020).

The scientists across the globe are working hard to understand the cause of the virus and how it can be treated. The health authorities of China have also posted their full genome in an international database. There are no specific approved antiviral for the specific coronavirus so they are treating supportively. The patients with the serious issue are treated with aggressive care in an intensive care unit.

Lesson work: Work With Other Countries

There is a major challenge for China to overcome political and public health crisis. According to Li (2020), COVID-19 is identified in the year 2020 which is studied by extramural and intramural scientist that mobilise to study the virus till today.

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Other government officials also support in minimizing the risk of Coronaviruses disease. The analyst states that the Chinese response that the issue will disappear soon from the spotlight. Investigator has shown that the first infection has appeared in Guangdong Province in the year 2002 and later the scale of China crisis has exposed. Advise has circulated across the hospitals that and director of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that there is poor coordination across the media department.

Lesson Two: Don’t Cover It Up

In the international stage, there is a lack of transparency in China that has caused low economic growth. According to health experts, there is stress transparency as a key factor in preventing the virus from spreading across the world. There is a need for infection prevention measures for controlling the virus. Hong Kong is one of the major hotspots of the virus (Perlman, 2020). The president Xi Jinping has mentioned that the virus is extremely critical and warnings are given to the public.

The government of China has strong control over the flow of information for controlling virus across the country. The president is more focused on protecting the negative impact on the international image of China. However, the information on social media is spreading with hashtag #WuhanSARS.

Lesson Three: Improvement In Medical Response

The medical system of China has taken corrective action for providing a high quality of medical services to the patients. Health officials have reported that the reporting of infectious disease is filing cards by hands and then post it to the central office. Later the government has developed a centralized online system that is linked with hospitals and clinics across the country so the immediate treatment can be done in real-time. China has developed an excellent disease surveillance system including real-time emergency department surveillance so that it can support in determining new cases (Holshue, 2020).

The college graduates who are applying for a job interview as content writing, the current topic is given to check the writing abilities of candidates. Coronavirus Disease is one of the current topics that can be given by the recruiter. You can collect information from various sources like an online essay writer such as research paper, journals, articles, newspapers, and other relevant sources. You can also take assignment help from teachers, textbooks, and peers to understand the hard lesson from Coronavirus Disease. Online Essay help can be taken from online sources that can be used for writing the assignment appropriately.

Thus the hard lesson to be learned for protecting Coronavirus Disease is to develop an effective healthcare system of the nation by health authorities result in protecting the patients against Coronavirus Disease. The government has to take action in protecting the nation with managing the dangerous source of possible new infections. However, the radical measures are taken by china that is beyond WHO recommendation for avoiding a repeat of Coronavirus Disease. The experts have also restricted to visit such cities for stopping the global spread.


Li, Q., Guan, X., Wu, P., Wang, X., Zhou, L., Tong, Y., Ren, R., Leung, K.S., Lau, E.H., Wong, J.Y. and Xing, X., 2020. Early transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China, of novel coronavirus–infected pneumonia. New England Journal of Medicine.

Zhu, N., Zhang, D., Wang, W., Li, X., Yang, B., Song, J., Zhao, X., Huang, B., Shi, W., Lu, R. and Niu, P., 2020. A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China, 2019. New England Journal of Medicine.

Huang, C., Wang, Y., Li, X., Ren, L., Zhao, J., Hu, Y., Zhang, L., Fan, G., Xu, J., Gu, X. and Cheng, Z., 2020. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. The Lancet.

Perlman, S., 2020. Another decade, another coronavirus.

Holshue, M.L., DeBolt, C., Lindquist, S., Lofy, K.H., Wiesman, J., Bruce, H., Spitters, C., Ericson, K., Wilkerson, S., Tural, A. and Diaz, G., 2020. First case of 2019 novel coronavirus in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine.

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